24-Year-Old Ghanaian Woman Marries A 68-Year-Old Obroni

Today is Saturday and just like many people were in a state of melancholy, many people, on the other hand, were in a state of gay.
Pictures available at the news desk of Gh Page show that wonders happened today.
Per the report available at the news desk of Gh Page, an American man tied the knot with an African, a Ghanaian woman.
It is normal for a duo that feels they are in love with each other to get married, however( the age difference makes this one the news.
It is believed that the man involved here is 68- years- old and the woman on the other hand is just 24 years old.
Even though what triggered the lady to marry the aged “Obroni” is still unknown, Ghanaians have heavily descended on the newly married couple.