Review current disciplinary measures in SHSs – NAGRAT appeals to Education Ministry

The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has called for a review of the disciplinary measures in senior high schools.
According to the Association, this will empower heads of institutions to deal with students who flout school regulations.
President of NAGRAT, Angel Carbonu who spoke with our labour affairs correspondent Daniel Opoku said this in reaction to the shutdown of the Sokode Senior High School.
Over the weekend, some students of Sokode Senior High Technical School clashed with residents of the community.
This compelled Management of the School and Ghana Education Service to shutdown the education facility.
The Ghana Education Service has since directed investigations into the clashes. NAGRAT has also condemned the incident.
Mr Angel Carbonu has therefor requested the Ministry of Education to review the disciplinary measures in schools.
“When we talk about corporal punishment, people think about canning but no, there are other means. Someone goes to senior high school with a certain aggregate, after first year the person is not performing, the person did not come to school to learn and you say the person should remain there from first year, second year, third year. So, we are not even repeating people for people to reevaluate themselves, we are not withdrawing people for lack of performance,” he bemoaned.
The NAGRAT President revealed that, “There is someone since he came to first year, did not attend classes till will write exams and leave and when heads of schools want to take disciplinary measures, they tell the heads of schools that the dispensation we are in you cannot do that”.
Read also:
Sokode SHS clash: 21 persons including a journalist sustained injuries – James Gunu