Blind student effortlessly walk to dispose of waste

Visually impaired students from the Akropong School for the Blind have wowed many with their remarkable mobility skills after a video surfaced online.
The video showed students from the school effortlessly walking to a dustbin to dispose of waste. It was difficult to tell that the students were visually impaired.
In the video, one of the students walked confidently without assistance to the bin to dispose of waste.
The Akropong School for the Blind is committed to its mission of ensuring students acquire the skills needed to live independently.
The School for the Blind has long been dedicated to equipping visually impaired students with essential life skills, ensuring they can move independently and confidently in their environment.
The extraordinary organizational and mobility skills of visually impaired students at the Akropong school for the blind has intrigued many individuals, after a video of a young student finding her way to a dust bin to dispose off rubbish surfaced online.
Her act has been…