Lawsuit claiming child sex abuse by ex-JCPS coach Donnie Stoner unsealed

Donnie Stoner, an ex-duPont Manual football coach is at the center of an unsealed child sexual abuse allegations in a civil lawsuit filed in Jefferson Circuit Court.
He was charged for sexually assaulting the same 17-year-old female student in 2023.
The juvenile student filed a civil suit against the former Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) coach and teacher last September.
In mid-January, the former JCPS student filed a motion with the court to unseal the record, which had been sealed.
By the end of January, Circuit Judge Jennifer Bryant Wilcox ordered the lawsuit to be unsealed and no future filings be submitted under seal.
The suit names Stoner’s twin brother, Ronnie, as well as Manual principal Michael Newman and athletic director David Zuberer.
In July 2023, Donnie Stoner was charge with 20 counts, all related to allegations of juvenile sex abuse from May 30 to July 13, 2023, involving the 17-year-old female. He was fired as Manual’s football coach the next day.

Per court records; Stoner kissed, touched the girl inappropriately and eventually had sex with her multiple times.
A Jefferson County grand jury indicted Stoner on six counts of rape, six counts of sodomy and eight counts of sexual abuse.
Trial for the case is set to begin on August 26th.