Constitutional protection against defamation for MPs will be corrected to prevent abuse

Deputy Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Justice Srem Sai has hinted that MPs protection against defamation suits may be taken away from them.
His comments come on the back of claims that an MP abuses the protection by using the premises of Parliament to peddle malicious falsehood which has resulted in creating public disaffection and opprobrium for persons.
He argues that the search conducted at the residence of the former Bank of Ghana governor was conducted in line with the terms of the court authorisation; and cordially and therefore any report suggesting otherwise is false.
Making this position known in a post shared via social media he said “The Constitution grants MPs some protection against defamation suits. By the law literature, the purpose of this protection is to enhance the quality of GOOD FAITH parliamentary debate. The protection is not a security for false or malicious commentary.
Sadly, an MP has chosen to abuse this protection by using the premises of Parliament to peddle malicious falsehood which has resulted in creating public disaffection and opprobrium for persons. That, clearly, defeats the purpose of the constitutional protection. Dr Addison had access to legal counsel and representation throughout the search. The search was conducted in line with the terms of the court authorisation; and cordially. Such abuse of MPs’ constitutional protection will be corrected and remedied for the healthy growth of our democracy,” he said.